
Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Pimp your Tiger - Takara versus Tiger 1

I have done a few posts on improving Takara vehicles. They are good models but the paint job is sometimes a bit basic and the equipment on the vehicle needs repainting and a wash added to the vehicle. Here are some previous posts:

Takara winter white Panthers
Takara versus set King Tiger
Takara Wittmann Tiger 1

I have now done a Tiger 1 from the Takara versus set. The model is pre-painted for 'Battle of Normandy'. I added an Arrowhead commander figure by drilling a hole through the turret hatch and glued in the commander figure and then used a hatch from a CanDo Panzer Korp kit (they always provide 2 for each model). My original intention was then to repaint the model with a German sand base but having got rid of or repainted all my Tiger 1s in this paint scheme I decided to keep it in its pre-painted colour scheme. But I did the following:

  • repainted all the equipment on the tank (axes, cables, track links etc.);
  • painted the commander and new hatch cover;
  • gave the whole thing a wash in Games Workshop Agrax Earthshade;
  • put some mud effect on the wheels and tracks and edges of the vehicles (Vallejo Flat Earth and German Camouflage Orange Ochre).
Finished model shown below form various angles:

For an easy way to see all my WW2 posts check out the WW2 Summary page.

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