
Saturday, 31 October 2015

Captured T34s in German colours

As I like variety and doing something a bit different now and then I decided to do a platoon of T34s (76mm gun) in German service. I could just have stuck on some large crosses or just repainted then added crosses, but having seen some versions on-line I decided to do them with something more of a German upgrade and so added Panzer cupolas. 

The base model was the 1/144 Takara T34/76. For the command tank I added some Russian stowage I had from Pithead then added a Panzer cupola to each tank. Painted in German sand, repainted the tracks, wash in Games Workshop Agrax Earthshade then some mud effect on the wheels. Lastly some large crosses from a sheet I had from Pendraken (goes from very small to large so useful for all sorts of things).

I am half way through some KV1 conversions but as I have to cut out the gun and add a Panzer IV gun it may be a while before I get round to finishing them

For an easy way to see all my WW2 posts check out the WW2 Summary page.

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