
Thursday, 1 October 2015

British armoured cars: Daimler Dingo, Humber LRC and scout car

Some more British armoured cars. I have a few other types to do and will later do some posts of FOW units. But for now here are three different armoured cars that have been completed:
  • Daimler Dingo scout car
  • Humber Scout Car Mk I
  • Humber Mk III LRC

There are eight Daimler Dingo, six are Pithead and two are old Wargames South models. First some shots of the Pithead model:

And now the Wargames South model.  These are not available now and they were on offer at £1 when I bought some other things ages ago so I got a couple. Well worth it but had sold out before I thought to get any more. The wheels are a bit weird but the rest of the model is very nice.

The Humber Scout Car Mk I which is a Pithead model.

And finally some Pithead Humber Mk III LRC.

For an easy way to see all my WW2 posts check out the WW2 Summary page.

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