
Saturday, 12 September 2015

Lancia Autocannone 90mm

I got one of these from Pithead when he first did it as a special commission (not for me, but I buy a lot of his stuff so I was able to get one). Given my backlog I managed to get another by the time I was ready to make it). I had been toying with colour scheme and had been planning on Vallejo Olive Grey as I liked how the Carro Armato P40 turned out and as I planned for a European theatre. However, having done the Semovente 75mm in Vallejo Green Ochre I liked that and though it would suite the Lancia Autocannone 90mm better. So here they are..

I have glued on crew man on to the vehicle as part of the build - see later photos - but I also did a crew stand on a separate base. That means I can indicate deployed when the crew stand is present or moving if the crew stand is removed. The crew figures are Pendraken - the Pithead versions were for North Africa.

You can see the figure glued on. A Pendraken Italian artillery crew man gut off the base and super glued on when building i.e. before painting.

Having browsed the web I found the centaur firing bow marking on the door and the decal sheet from Pithead had that included so on it went. Looks cool. I will talk about it a bit more in my review of the Pithead Italian decal sheet which I am just about to write.

For an easy way to see all my WW2 posts check out the WW2 Summary page.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice looking vehicles, they will pack some punch

