
Monday, 31 August 2015

Hungarian 80mm AA gun and Breda 32 truck

I finished these a few weeks back but have only just got round to putting the finishing touches to the bases - which I have also done on a backlog of things completed in the last few weeks so there will be a few posts on the way for WW2.

This is nominally a Hungarian 80mm AA gun but I have used the F-Toys German 88mm Flak gun as no one does the Hungarian 80mm gun in 10mm or 1/144 as far as I can see. The guns actually look very similar plus the Hungarian used a lot of German equipment so it can also be an actual 88mm Flak as needed by the scenario.

The reason I did this, apart from having some unmade F-Toys kits lying around, is that Pithead recently brought out a resin model of the Breda 32 truck. This is an Italian truck but used by the Hungarians for their heavy AA guns so I decided to get some and so a Hungarian flak unit.

The guns and trucks are painted in Vallejo Reflective Green. Crew figures are German artillery crew from Pendraken (I always use Pendraken; nice figures but they will also just sell crew figures in any combination you want which is really useful). The defensive positions are Flames of War 15mm entrenchment markers which work a treat for 10mm and come painted - I just add some flock around the base and repainted crates as these are not well painted and in the case of the sandbags I repainted those too as oddly white in the finish that came out the box.

Some close ups of the Breda which I think has come up very nicely:

A quick tutorial on how I paint vehicles. I will do one for tanks too when I remember to take photos as I paint something.

Step one, paint the vehicle in the desired colours. Main body Vallejo Reflective Green, tilt in Vallejo Khaki Grey and tired and windows in back.

Step two, a heavy cost of Games Workshop wash - Agrax Earthsahde. Really brings out the details as well as tones the colours down.

Step three, dry brush the model lightly. Tilt in base colour (removing virtually all paint from brush) then body in base colour then Games Workshop Snakebite Leather (and really get virtually all the paint off for the Snakebite Leather). Hard to see the effect really in the photos unfortunately but it does help enhance the detail even more.

Final steps - which you can see in the finished model in the pictures at the start. Mud on the wheels and bottom edges of the body. This I do with Vallejo German medium camouflage brown, then Flat Earth and finally German Camouflage Orange Ochre. First two browns applied with an old brush that has spread with most of the paint left on the brush and can be applied generously (about a size 0 or 1). The orange ochre on a larger worn brush (about a size 2) which has spread so that it can just be touched lightly to the model to leave small bits of colour (as quite bright). This last stage works well on tanks with tracks and you can see this approach on any of my models in other posts. Some Games Workshop Nut Oil (black wash) on the engine grill. the heavily watered down Vallejo Neutral Grey on the windows in horizontal strokes.

For an easy way to see all my WW2 posts check out the WW2 Summary page.

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