
Saturday, 14 February 2015

French Guard Cavalry - completed

My French Guard Cavalry are now complete - other than I might do some Gardes d'Honneur later on, but need to convert some figures if they are to have both a sheepskin saddle cloth and a plume and Adler do one do a figure with both at present, but a later project, so finished for now at least!

All 5 main regiments so twice what I had a few months back in my original post. Now comprises:

  • Red Lancers;
  • Polish Lancers;
  • Chasseurs a Cheval;
  • Empress Dragoons;
  • Grenadiers a Cheval;
  • Mameluke squadron;
  • Gendarme d'Elite squadron;
  • 2 batteries of horse artillery.
All figures are 6mm Adler.

The Red Lancers:

Polish Lancers of the Guard:

Chasseur a Cheval:

Mameluke squadron:

Empress Dragoons:

Grenadier a Cheval:

Gendarme d'Elite squadron:

The two horse batteries:

Now some photos of an individual stand of each unit.

Gendarme d'Elite:

Grenadier a Cheval:

Empress Dragoons:


Chasseur a Cheval:

Guard Polish Lancers:

Red Lancers:

Many thanks to Perfect Six for doing such a good job on these and giving me a full Guard cavalry compared to the one horse battery and one stand of Grenadier a Cheval I had managed to do myself.  I aim to paint up some commanders to give me Brigade, Division and Corps commanders and I will probably paint the Gardes d'Honneur myself when the mood takes me.

You can see all my Napoleonic posts in a convenient way using the Napoleonic Summary page.


  1. Wow! Outstanding work and very impressive!

  2. Great stuff Steve, big units too , always nice too see..

  3. These are outstanding, keep it up and show us a game!

  4. Very inspirational! For what rule(s) are these intended?


    1. when I started I used In the Grand Manner so I developed a cut down basing system. Also used it with General De Brigade. Intend to use March Attack now but using my own basing not the one in the rules. May need to split the larger units into 2 (although they actually suggest that anyway for large cavalry regiments)

  5. Just jaw dropingly good


  6. Great stuff. Interesting to see your basing approach, which I like. My 6mm Napoleonics are languishing. Your completion is an inspiration to pick the work up again!
