
Sunday, 2 November 2014

British D Day support - Croc, Crab, AVRE and dozer

Part of getting together stuff for a D Day scenario, some British Funnies:
  • Armoured dozer (Pendraken);
  • Sherman dozer (Pithead);
  • Sherman Crab (Pithead);
  • Churchill Crocodile (Arrowhead formerly Wargames South);
  • Churchill AVRE (Arrowhead).
I have always loved the Churchill, right back to Airfix kits as a kid so I particularly enjoyed doing the Crocodiles and AVREs (the Airfix kit was a pig to make with all those wheel bits! but the Arrowhead one is much easier to put together as it is just 5 bits including the turret)

the dozers:

the mine clearing flail, Sherman Crabs:

the flamethrower, Churchill Crocodile (not based yet as I need a larger base then those I have already. While I could cut out of plasticard I find ply is a better surface for gluing on sand so getting some cut to size from Fenris Games. I get their loyalty cards which is a more cost effective way of buying large amounts of bases over the course of a year):

the Churchill AVRE with petard:

I will do a fuller post on fortifications later on when I have completed some other bits. But included in the photos are:

a bunker for an anti tank gun, actually a 15mm one from Games of War (top comes off):

barbed wire. Comes in a roll and I got from Antenocitis Workshop. Wound round a pencil then glued to some brass rod posts on a prepared base:

a turret bunker. Home made and I have used a KV 1 turret for this (not likely to be in Normandy but I am getting hold of other turrets for these types of bunkers, such as old French tanks):


  1. Pretty sweet set up you have there. They look like they're ready to lay down the law.

  2. If you sand the plasticard PVA glue will adhere to it easily. Great blog; I've spent a good while browsing your posts. I'm just starting out in 10mm so there's plenty to inspire me here!

  3. Oh i remember you and your Crocodiles with Petards as well and yes that boody airfix Churchill... i hated it
