
Sunday, 12 October 2014

Adler 6mm Prussian army - infantry

While I am still planning to add more, my Prussian army is coming along quite nicely. It has been on and off since the mid 1980s when I first got Adler (and those early Prussian figures where really nice). So here is the foot component so far:

  • 8 command stands
  • 2 Grenadier battalions
  • 1 Shutzen battalion
  • 10 Line battalions
  • 4 Reserve battalions
  • 5 Lanwehr battalions
  • 24 skirmishers
  • 1 12pdr battery
  • 2 6pdr batteries
  • 1 howitzer battery
I am half way through doing two Guard battalions and I am doing them in the 1815 uniform and using Russian grenadier figures. I probably need another 7 or 8 Landwehr battalions to give me flexibility for 1815 scenarios. I plan to do the Landwehr in one go but as I am quite picky on cleaning the figures up that is always the thing that holds me up - getting them ready to begin the painting.

Some closer shots of the Prussian army as it stands...

The Silesian Shutzen battalion - I removed the bayonets on purpose for this unit.

Some battalions of the 1st and 2nd Silesian line regiments. The flags are printed from an online resource (see my useful Napoleonic links page). The website also tells you what colour the flag poles are and has the flags for the 1st and 2nd battalions (actually the same for the Silesian regiments).

Some Silesian reserve battalions. I have done these in greatcoat. The reserve battalions were not issued with flags but tended to use fairly generic ones apparently - again got these from the web site mentioned above.

Most of my first battalions were in advancing poses. I preferred the early advancing poses but they are a bit more of a pain to base as I use small bases. I did these way before the days of the internet and so painted from some pictures I found in a Men at Arms book.

I now do the Landwehr in advancing poses and flags from the web (Westphalian Landwehr in this case).

The Prussian howitzer battery - I remember using this at the wargames holiday center so of course I had to have one!

A reserve battalion in the 1980s advancing figures - still one of may favorite Prussian figures from Adler. I used a uniform from the Men at Arms book (I think they are basically in a cheap cloth).

My favorite unit so far, the Leib Grenadier battalion. Again early figures - not seen any of the later ones but I really like these. Cool flag too.

The West Prussian grenadiers.

And finally Blucher (you can see more of the commanders up close in an earlier post here).


  1. They look amazing steve. You proberly have one of the most impressive collections in the Uk .


  2. These are great, love everything about them.

    I have six battalions on the desk now and I know what you mean about the clean up but it's worth it

