
Saturday, 2 August 2014

6mm Borodino village and church

I finished painting the Leven Miniatures Borodino church a week or so ago and have just finally got round to finishing the basing. I had a handful of Timecast Russian houses painted up and so based these too to give me the Borodino church and village. I based the village on matching but separate bases to give me increased flexibility - i.e. I can use one without the other if I wish. Links for both manufacturers on my scenery links page at the top of the blog.

I have based on 2mm plasticard and then used white glue and sand for the basing - a fine sand for the paths from the church entrances and the center of the village and a sharp sand for the other areas. I used very thinned down white glue to apply two layers of static grass of different shades after painting (same approach as I show in my basing post). The two fir trees are K&M and I have added some Woodland Scenics Underbrush (light green FC135) to both bases. I give a brief outline of how I painted the church at the end of the post.

Below are some photos from various angles with most of my currently very small Russian army deploying around the buildings.

A quick overview of how I painted the church:

First the resin model is washed in soapy water and the very small number of casting blemishes repaired with milliput - you can just about see a tiny corner of the tower roof at the front where I have filled a small hole.

Next the model is thoroughly sprayed white - being especially careful to get a good coverage as the final colour is white (I just get a decent covering if I am going to paint a darker colour over the base coat).

I then painted the roof and domes. The domes are Games workshop Gehenna's gold and the roof is a mix of Vallejo Russian uniform green (70924) and Blue green (70808).

Next I washed the whole thing with Cote d'Arms dark brown wash - and was then not sure how it was going to turn out so didn't take any pictures until I had worked on it a lot more then it was nearly finished. Essentially I just kept giving the building a light white dry brush until it built up a decent white look but still plenty of variation rather than a stark white. I then painted the windows and entrances black and a grid on the windows in Vallejo black grey - does not come out that well in the photos but you may just about see if if you click to get the large versions. I then touched up the roof and painted the middle of the panels as well. I was very happy how it turned out but I may have been able to get the same effect with a watered down wash early on - will have to experiment if I do other large white buildings.

I plan to get back to finishing off my Hougoumont next which is made up of elements from 5 manufacturers.