
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Napoleonic Command bases (2) - British

Adler 6mm

Here are my British command bases. I need still need brigade commanders but these are all the main army/ corp or divisional commanders.

Apart from the British artillery command base, which is pictured in more detail on the Perfect Six blog, I was lucky enough to get a complete and painted Adler British generals pack on ebay. The figures are very nicely done and I have rarely found figures on sale at the standard I am looking for so it was a real find. I have based them up into individual command stands - named as the specific figure created by Adler or in other cases where a more generic figure I have chosen a name. Some close-ups below.



Earl of Uxbridge
Sir John Moore




Lt. Col. A Macdonald


and last but not least, the Duke of Wellington

Just a general note when using these for wargaming, if I do not have a specific figure for the generals I need I will use the ones I have. I just like to have all the major figures to use when they appear in a battle but other than that I just need some command stands.

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